Prayers in Sukhasa - use a bolster to sit
Parvatasana in Sukhasana
Sukhasana going forward
Adho Mukha Svanasana, head supported in bolster
Adho Mukha Virasana with bolster
Supta Sukhasana with bolster - 2 to 4 mints each side
Supta Baddha Konasana with longitudinal bolster - use two belts, cross them (left thigh right foot, right thigh left foot) - 3 to 6 mnts
Supta Baddha Konasana with transversal bolster - place the bolster perpendicular and lay on It, use a blanket for the head - 3 to 6 mnts
Ardha Supta Virasana - 2 to 4 mnts each side
Supta Virasana - 3 to 6 mnts
Rope Sirsasana - 5 to 8 mnts
Chair Viparita Dandasana - 4 to 6 mnts
Janu Sirsasana with head supported
Ardha Baddha Padma Pascimottanasana with head supported
Triang Mukha Eka Pada Pascimottanasana with head supported
Paschimottanasana with head supported
Chair Sarvangasana - 6 to 10 mns (keep an halasana bench or chair next to the head for supported halasana)
Chair Halasana - 4 to 6 mnts
Setu Bandha Sarvangasana with bolster - 4 to 6 mnts
Viparita Karani in Sarvangasa (keep the previous pose and bring the legs vertical
Savasana with bolster on the upper front thighs or bellow knees