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  1. Prayers in Sukhasa - use a bolster to sit

  2. Parvatasana in Sukhasana

  3. Sukhasana going forward

  4. Adho Mukha Svanasana, head supported in bolster

  5. Adho Mukha Virasana with bolster

  6. Supta Sukhasana with bolster - 2 to 4 mints each side

  7. Supta Baddha Konasana with longitudinal bolster - use two belts, cross them (left thigh right foot, right thigh left foot) - 3 to 6 mnts

  8. Supta Baddha Konasana with transversal bolster - place the bolster perpendicular and lay on It, use a blanket for the head - 3 to 6 mnts

  9. Ardha Supta Virasana - 2 to 4 mnts each side

  10. Supta Virasana - 3 to 6 mnts

  11. Rope Sirsasana - 5 to 8 mnts

  12. Chair Viparita Dandasana - 4 to 6 mnts

  13. Dandasana

  14. Janu Sirsasana with head supported

  15. Ardha Baddha Padma Pascimottanasana with head supported

  16. Triang Mukha Eka Pada Pascimottanasana with head supported

  17. Paschimottanasana with head supported

  18. Chair Sarvangasana - 6 to 10 mns (keep an halasana bench or chair next to the head for supported halasana)

  19. Chair Halasana - 4 to 6 mnts

  20. Setu Bandha Sarvangasana with bolster - 4 to 6 mnts

  21. Viparita Karani in Sarvangasa (keep the previous pose and bring the legs vertical

  22. Savasana with bolster on the upper front thighs or bellow knees

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